a few months ago, while everybody thought i was reviewing 24/7, i secretly watched an old meg ryan-billly crystal movie. the movie was when harry met sally and during one of their conversations,
Harry Burns: There are two kinds of women:high maintenance and low maintenance.
Sally Albright: Which one am I?
Harry Burns: You're the worsk kind. You're high maintenance but you think you're low maintenance.
so i started thinking...am i like sally? i immediately called up a friend and she insisted that i am like sally. but i still don't get it!
some people say i'm too picky on where i eat and that i don't eat in turo-turos like ilocana's. but in fact, i've eaten in ilocana's and other food establishments that doesn't prioritize sanitation a couple of times. but given the choice, i'd rather eat somewhere else. so does that make me high maintenance?
when i'd rather ride a cab than be sexually harassed by horny passengers in a bus (it wasn't a good experience), is that considered high-maintenance too?
if before ordering iced tea, i ask if it's lipton, nestea or nutrilicious (to which i'd change my order to coke lite) does that make me like sally?
sure, sometimes i ask my gravy to be on the side. or ask the crew at wendy's to give me a caesar's dressing instead of the usual thousand-island dressing for my macaroni salad. but does all that make me high maintenance?
but i'm not like other women who always have perfect hair and make up and are always dressed in the latest style. neither am i the type that causes men to gravitate toward them and would want to do things without qualms. i'm just not the girly girly type.
i still believe i'm just like most women who enjoy good food, be it in a fancy restaurant or a fastfood joint. who doesn't always look like somebody who'd just stepped out of a salon but is presentable anyway.
i am who i am. as long as i'm not hurting anybody, i'll stay as i am.