the ogre that never dies
It was set in a small town wherein the ruler was an ogre who lived in a castle on top of the mountain. The townspeople were sick and tired of their ruler who was greedy and mean. They decided to send all the brave men, one by one, to try and kill the ogre. Sadly, nobody ever came back. The ogre continued to rule the town for a long, long time.
Until one day, a brave, young prince arrived to dare enter the castle and kill the ogre. He found out that the task was not difficult at all and proceeded to finish the job. As it turned out, all the men who came before him were able to kill the ogre but they all turned into ogre themselves. The prince was no different. He, too, became an ogre himself and continued to rule the place.
That's what power does to the weak of heart. And unfortunately, that’s what's happening now. A very vicious cycle with no visible end in sight.
yey to blogger for making it easier to add an image =)